Admission Instruction
Admission Instruction
नामांकन से संबन्धित आवश्यक दिशा निर्देश - Important Instructions for Admission:-
1. आवेदन इंग्लिश (English) में भरे जाएंगे ।
Application will be filled in English.
2. प्रत्येक आवेदक का अपना सक्रिय मोबाइल नंबर और ईमेल आवश्यक है । जिनका ईमेल नहीं है आवेदन से पूर्व
अपना ईमेल बना लें।
Each applicant must have his own active mobile number and email. Those who do not have email
before application create your own email.
3. प्रत्येक आवेदक का अपना सक्रिय मोबाइल नंबर और ईमेल आवश्यक है । जिनका ईमेल नहीं है आवेदन से पूर्व
अपना ईमेल बना लें। अपना मोबाईल नं० भी अलग होना चाहिए। एक मोबाईल नं० से तथा एक ईमेल से एक ही
पंजीयन हो सकता
Each applicant must have his own active mobile number and email. Those who do not have email
before application create your own email. Your mobile number should also be different. One
mobile number and one email only can be registered.
4. आवेदन के पूर्व अपने शैक्षिक दस्तावेज, फोटो तथा आधार कार्ड की कॉपी तैयार रखें।
Before applying, keep a copy of your educational documents, photo and Aadhar card
5. आवेदन की राशि जमा करने से पूर्व यह सुनिश्चित हो लें कि सभी सूचनायें पूर्ण एवं सही हैं।
Before making payment please ensure that information entered by you is correct and complete in
all respect. .
6. आवेदन से पूर्व यह सुनिश्चित हो लें कि संबंधित पाठ्यक्रम हेतु निर्धारित योग्यता / पात्रता पूरी हो रही है।
The applicants must ensure that they fulfill the requisite eligibility criteria of the courses they are
applying for.
- Selection of the candidates shall be made strictly as per rules of the Udyamita Prabandhan Sansthan.
For result visit on our
- No candidate can claim admission as matter of right.
- Selected candidates will be informed about their selection through website or by notice board of
Authorized Centre of institution.
- The candidate will have to produce all the original documents as mentioned above, along with the
Bank Draft of the amount prescribed as fee for the course at the time of admission by the
department. The Udyamita Prabandhan Sansthan reserves the right to amend the schedule, any
charges & course structure etc. as and when it seems necessary.
- Any eligible person can apply for admission in one of the courses of his choice, offered by the
- The selection of students shall severely be on the basis of first-cum-first serve but in some courses
selection will be on the basis of merit-cum-preference as determined by the UPS.
- No applicant shall be admitted, who has not applied for the admission within notified time or who
on being selected for admission, does not get himself/herself admitted within the specified time,
except where the delay has been condoned by the competent authority. Incomplete application due
to any reason is liable for rejection by the Udyamita Prabandhan Sansthan.
- Application forms shall be submitted only through our official website: and by
hand before the last date as mentioned in announcement notification. Organisation will not be held
responsible for any delay and after the last date of submission.
- Any Payments (Net Banking, app transfer , NEFT, payment Getaway, demand draft ) must be made in
the name of Udyamita Prabandhan Sansthan Pvt. Ltd. payable at Patna. The sales counters of the
institution function on all working days from 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM.
- In no case original documents be sent along with the admission form. However, whenever
documents will be required in original for verification you must have to present it and original
documents will be returned to the candidate immediately after verification and comparison.
- The candidate selected for admission must pay the required/prescribed fees, in full at the time of
admission. No refund of course fee and other charges is allowed for any reason and in any case.
- The application form is required to be filled up by the candidates in CAPITAL LETTERS (except
signature) using only black ball pen in his/her own hand writing (if filling in offline mode).
- Where information is required to be filled in boxes, write name in CAPITAL LETTERS, Your name,
Father's Name, Mother's Name and Date of Birth in the application form should
exactly be the same as mentioned in the High School certificate.
- Any discrepancy, where ever found, may lead to the cancellation of your candidature.